Bramley Friendship Group
- Occurring
- Monthly. Every First, Third Thursday at for 2 hours
- Venue
- St Francis, Bramley
- Address Main Street, Bramley Bramley Rotherham, S66 2SQ, United Kingdom
Bramley Friendship Group is a community friendship group which meets on the first and third Thursday in each month from 2 - 4 pm. This group is open to everyone. We provide the tables, so you just bring your own art & craft prjects, any games or just come for the social.
£2.00 Voluntary Contribution per session and Refreshments are provided.
Bramley Friendship Group will not be running in January 2024
Bramley Friendship Group
Monthly. Every First, Third Thursday at 2 p.m. for 2 hours
Bramley Friendship Group
Monthly. Every First, Third Thursday at 2 p.m. for 2 hours