Kids' church


The services at 10.30am are more relaxed services often with child friendly activities planned. Although we have in church services at 9am and 10:30am every Sunday, and children are welcome to join us at all of these services. Plenty of toys are available to keep small children happily occupied - and please don't worry if they make a bit of noise!


Children's Groups, including one for Young People at secondary school, are now available during part of our 10.30am service on 1st & 3rd Sundays (& 5th Sunday if applicable) 

Children will start in church and we will then be asking parents /carers to be responsible for crossing their child safely over the road and into the church hall (the leaders will direct you). Parents/carers will also need to ensure their child has been registered; and finally we ask you to collect your child(ren) promptly after the end of the service. You are then of course invited back to the church building for a chat!

Attached is a registration form. Copies will be available in church and, if bringing children for the first time, we ask you to come by 10.15 on Sunday to complete this. You are welcome to print and complete this ahead of time instead, to save time. (We plan to introduce a system to make registrations quicker going forward).

On 2nd & 4th Sundays we will have an All Together Service with Communion.
2nd Sunday will be family focussed, but on 4th Sundays  this service will have more of an 'adults focus' because of Forest Church happening at 4pm. Families are welcome at both services but Forest Church will be more interactive.


Every fourth Sunday we will be running forest church in the church yard at 4pm. Please contact us for more details.


There are toilets and basic baby changing facilities in church and in the church hall.

Christ_Church_kids_church_contact_forms, PDF
