Services and Sermons

These are the regular services being held at Christ Church:

9am Communion services will be held every Sunday in church.   Communion is offered with a common cup, but you can just receive the bread if you prefer. Gluten free communion wafers are always available - please just ask the welcomers as you enter the church. 

1st & 3rd  Sunday Common Worship

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Book of Common Prayer

The words for the 9am service will be available on the event page (go to services and events, select the calendar and pick the relevant event from the calendar, then open the attachment to the event).

10.30am Family service will be held each Sunday 

1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday  Service with Kids' Groups (Non Communion)

2nd  Sunday  All Together Service with Communion

5th Sunday Service with Kids Groups' and Communion

Sermon_Acts_2.42-47_-_8.6.23, DOCX
