What does the PCC do?

The PCC is the governing body of the church and its members act as trustees of Bradfield St.Nicholas.

The powers and duties of PCCs are laid down in law. It is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also exists to co-operate with the vicar and church leadership team in promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to oversee the church services. The PCC may also make representations to the bishop and deanery synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish.

Who is on the PCC?

Bradfield church is led by our Churchwardens during Interregnum. It is currently chaired by John Barrand. The Churchwardens share responsibility for the governance of it with the PCC (this stands for Parochial Church Council). The PCC is made up of clergy and elected representatives from our congregation, usually voted for at the Annual Parochial Meeting.

 In more detail the PCC is made up of:

Our Rector and other people licensed for ministry, such as associated ministers, licensed lay ministers or curates

Our Churchwardens

Our Deanery, Diocesan and General Synod lay representatives

Lay members invited (or ‘co-opted’) by the PCC (e.g. secretary and treasurer).

Lay members elected from our congregation (these members are elected at the Annual Parochial Council Meeting (APCM). Anyone who is over 16 years old and has been on the electoral roll for over 6 months can stand for election).

List of Bradfield Church PCC members;

John Barrand ( Chair &Warden)

Judy Hodson (Warden)

Sandra Barrand (Secretary, Deanery Synod rep & Deputy Warden)

Jane Gregory (Treasurer & Deputy warden)

John Marples(Deputy Secretary, Safeguarding Officer)

Naomi Marples (Elected member)

Jack Marples(Elected member)

Liz walker (Deanery Synod rep, elected member)

Jean Panniker (Electoral Roll Officer & Elected member)

Josie Bird(Elected member)

Mary Sheldon (Elected Member)

Carol Leichert (Deputy Safeguarding Officer & Elected Member)

Pat Bancroft (Elected Member)

Rob Walton (Elected Member)

Caron Walton (Elected Member)

Linda Denton (Elected Member)

How does the PCC carry out its work?

Our PCC meets monthly to make decisions concerning matters about the life of the Church. Apart from finance and buildings, it also oversees the Church's mission and involvement in the community, the worship life and activities of the Church and the spiritual development of the congregation.

Any major decisions or expenditures that are outside the approved budget may be brought to the whole PCC for discussion and decision making.