Summer Sunday Outdoor Event

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What a great event this was! The weather was absolutely glorious, nearly 70 people came along and many stayed around afterwards and had a picnic.  The emphasis was on fun, and it was brilliant to have so many children and families.  We played games, including seeing how many jumpers the kids could get on the church wardens in a minute ( with hindsight not the best of ideas in 25 degrees heat 😂), and team Judy were the victors.  All the children involved won sweets. 

The theme of the Service was the parable of the lost sheep and Reverend Jordan led the response, involving the children in the story, who then made sheep pictures with cotton wool balls and real sheep wool.  Grown ups  were invited to write a name of someone  they would like God to reveal himself to, on animal themed post it notes on the “shepherd” flip chart.  Our Cow Molly ice creams were then handed out to people in the congregation and around the playing field.

Jordan led the hymns of How Great Thou Art and Amazing Grace on his guitar, and Reverend Sara closed with Blessings.

It was fantastic to witness everyone having such a great time and it is something we will definitely be repeating.