BRADFIELD ST NICHOLAS’ — NEW ELECTORAL ROLL 2025It is now time for us at St Nicholas’ church to renew our electoral roll. Thishas to happen every six years.The electoral roll is important to St Nicholas’ in that it shows to SheffieldDiocese that we are a strong, active community, with support of localresidents, whether residents currently attend church or not. Being on theelectoral roll enables you to vote at our annual meeting but doesn’t entail anycommitment. You can be involved in developmental matters within ourchurch and stand for election to our Parochial Church Council if you wouldlike to.To be eligible to be on the electoral roll, you must be over 16 years old, havebeen baptised and either live in the parish or attend St Nicholas’ regularly. Tofind out whether you live in the parish, please look at the following link: your postcode on the site will reveal a map of the parish and whereyou are located.The roll is about to be totally refreshed and anyone currently on the listshould now reapply. This is easily done by completing an electoral rollapplication form.Paper forms are available at the back of church or by contacting me, JeanPanniker, at JeanPanniker@bradfieldchurch.orgAny completed paper forms should be handed in at church or posted toJean Panniker at Bentwood Lodge, High Bradfield, Sheffield, S6 6LJA link to the online version is given below. This can be completed, signedand emailed to me at JeanPanniker@bradfieldchurch.org do look forward to you joining our renewed electoral roll and to anyinvolvement you would like have in the life of our church.
With the start of a new year we look forward to the completion of our long awaited <br>Kitchen and Toilet for the Disabled.<br>Our Architect has now completed the plans and specific drawings to be presented to the Building Contractors. We shall be making appointments to meet with them and when chosen the work will commence. Being part of our beautiful Grade I building faculties will need to be applied for and as we know may take some time.<br>We continue to say a big Thankyou to everyone involved in making it happen as we know many hands make light work.<br>Josie Bird.<br>Follow this link if you are interested in applying.
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