
Church of England funeral services are available for everyone. You don’t have to be a churchgoer.

Traditional service in church? We can help you.

Service at the Crematorium? We can help you.

Memorial service after a direct cremation? We can help you.

The content of any service for your loved one will be carefully tailored to suit your family and your loved one. Traditional elements, modern elements, personal words shared with you and for you.

We aren't just there for a service or event, we're there for you during your period of mourning and afterwards too. The Church is a community of support and hope. We understand that grief is a journey and can help you find your way through with prayer, conversation and special services to remember your loved one down the years.

It's not expensive to have a funeral or memorial in church, or to have a priest lead your service at the Crematorium. If we don't know you we will get to know you, listen to you and help you say goodbye and bring hope through the Christian message.