In a service of baptism the church proclaims what God has done for his people through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who are baptised symbolically pass form darkness to walk in the light of Christ for the rest of their life.
‘the first step in response to God’s love’ (Church of England baptism service)
The act of baptising is also called a sacrament this can be described as a special ceremony enabling people to communicate their deepest spiritual thoughts and feelings at key moments in their life. As such the church feels there are two parts to this special sacrament the visible the water poured over the candidate’s forehead (the symbolic washing clean) and the invisible God coming close to the worshipper in the Holy Spirit encouraging and strengthening at the beginning of this first step.
At St Paul’s we recognise this is an important commitment and should not be undertaken lightly. In preparation for this we invite you to contact our Oversight Minister, Reverend Jon. Hidden @ for further information . A way we can get to know you and let you know about the service as well as our commitment to you.
We will be delighted to support you through this special time in your or your child’s life.
For more information please get in touch using the contacts page