Small Sunday services are temporarily halted during lockdown in January and February


Christ Church Dore – as of January 6th 2021 we have suspended church services in the Church building. As soon as it is safe they will resume as below.

From Sunday 13th September 2020, Christ Church Dore has begun to hold small Sunday services at 5.30pm. These will alternate between Communion and Evening Prayer. To be inclusive, one Evening Prayer a month will be Book of Common Prayer and one in Common Worship.

Due to the social distancing constraints from Covid-19, under the government and Church of England guidance, we are limited to 20 people in our church building at these services (including the priest).

At communion, the celebrant will prepare, bless and consume both bread and wine themselves, but they will only share bread with the congregation.

There will be no music or singing.

We are introducing a booking system for these services, and admission will only be allowed on a pre-booked basis. Your name(s) will be added to a list, which will be given to the service steward.

Bookings will open 2 weeks before each service, via a telephone call to the parish office. (Telephone number 0114 2363335). The office is available Monday-Wednesday, 9am-3pm. (For the first service this will be 1st September due to the bank holiday.)

Once all spaces for a particular service have been allocated, you may be asked if you want to be put on the list for the following week.

The services are available to members of all our congregations, and to any members of the public who wish to attend. To give everyone the opportunity, within the limited numbers we have available, it may not be possible that you can attend each week.

We require you to comply with social distancing guidelines, wear face coverings at all times, and use the sanitiser gel provided. We also request you provide contact details on a consent sheet to enable NHS Test and Trace to perform their work to control the virus from spreading. Not all pews will be available, to comply with social distancing requirements. You will be shown to an available seat by the service steward, who will have the list of the attendee for each service.

It is important that we work together to maintain this safe environment for all who wish to spend time in the sacred space of our church building.

You can find our Risk Assessment for these service of the church website,

Alison Saxton and Richard Knights


Christ Church Dore