Facilities and features
This is found at the back of the building next to the church hall.
We have a ramped entrance and lift at the back of the building next to the car park.
Please make the stewards on the door aware that you will require a gluten-free wafer.
Our Building
We have our Bronze Eco award and are working on our Silver
There is a welcome space run by Community Wellness Services every Friday morning 10-12. This include refreshments and Chairobics. From October to March this is extended to include soup and bread for lunch and finishes at 1pm.
Music and Worship
The building is available for hiring as a concert venue.
The organ is a Brindley and Foster
The worship band leads the music on first Sunday of the month.
Groups, Courses and Activities
There is an exercise group which meets on Mondays 6-7pm
We have two Home Education groups which use the building weekly.
Help for Visitors
The church is open Fridays 10.00am - 1.00pm
Other Features
Tea and Coffee refreshments
A Foodbank box at the back of church for people to put items in.
We have a large church hall available for hire at VERY reasonable rates £17.50 an hour which seats 90 people
We also hire out the Church at £22 an hour which has a capacity of 170
Plus we have a small meeting room which seats 20 which is £15 an hour.
For enquiries please contact Stephen Williams on 07833907627 in the first instance.