Good Friday Messy Church

for 1 hour
St Catherine of Siena
Richmond Road Sheffield, S13 8EJ, United Kingdom

Craft and Prayers remembering the good news of Jesus Christ who gave himself up for us and our salvation. We'll be making Easter Gardens together.

St Catherine of Siena

St Catherine of Siena, Richmond Road is a lively all-age Parish Church especially serving the neighbourhoods of of Woodthorpe, Stradbroke, and Richmond. Our main service is Sunday Mass at 10:00am. Our coffee shop is open 10:00am-2:00pm Wednesdays-Fridays. All are welcome!

Get in touch

The Rev Fr Philip A Knowles SSC BAhons

What's on

Good Friday Messy Church

for 1 hour
St Catherine of Siena
Richmond Road Sheffield, S13 8EJ, United Kingdom

Craft and Prayers remembering the good news of Jesus Christ who gave himself up for us and our salvation. We'll be making Easter Gardens together.