Sunday Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 2 hours
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join our friendly congregation each Sunday at 10am.

We meet to worship for around 1 and a half hours; joining together in prayer, singing, hearing a talk, and celebrating Holy Communion. In our worship we encounter Jesus and each other; leaving us inspired to follow Jesus and to share His love. Our services are interactive and creative to engage all ages and we have chats over tea and coffee after the service to help us grow in our life together. We follow the following pattern:
1st Sunday of the Month: Holy Communion
2nd Sunday of the Month: All-Age Service
3rd Sunday of the Month: Holy Communion
4th Sunday of the Month: Cafe Church

Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 45 mins
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

Each Monday during term time at 9.45am we gather in the church hall for Morning Prayer and for those who want to it is followed by tea and coffee.

Piecemakers - have a cuppa and if you like, get crafty!

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

Here is a space to spend time with others as you get on with your creative project. Some of us will be knitting, others sewing, others crocheting, and others doing a bit of graphic design... Whether you're compelled by creativity or just in need of a cuppa and a chat - we welcome all people to join us!

We only meet during school term time..!

The Start Course

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

A course to explore some of life's big questions and to consider the basics of the Christian faith.

Cafe Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

At this service we gather around tables with tea, coffee, pastries and more. It's accessible and engaging for all ages, with singing, craft, and discussion. We hold it in our church hall and you'd be very welcome.

Women's Prayer Breakfast

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

Each first Saturday of the Month the women gather in the church to pray for an hour, followed by breakfast at a local cafe.

Prayer Walks

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Hackenthorpe
Christ Church Sheffield Road Hackenthorpe Sheffield, S12 4LR, United Kingdom

Each second Wednesday of the month we gather together at a meeting place to be decided to do a prayer walk of the local area. Contact the church office to find out the starting location.