We'd love to hear from you

Welcome to Church of Christ in Darnall and St Albans Festival Church. We are one Church with Two buildings. Church of Christ in Darnall on Station Road Darnall S9 4JT is our 1st building and St Alban's Festival Church at 20 Chapelwood Road S9 5AY is our 2nd building both serving the Parish of Attercliffe & Darnall. We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the Methodist Church, the Church of England and the United Reformed Church; we are focused on being a faithful and welcoming presence in the heart of our community, sharing the love of Jesus in the local area, especially with those in need. We are a busy, welcoming church. Our faith is hands-on but we also explore our faith through creative worship, fellowship, study and prayer. We work closely with local churches, faith groups, schools and community groups. If you have an enquiry about a baptism, wedding or funeral - or any other church matters - please contact us on 0114 2490779. Church of a Christ in Darnall is in a central position in the neighbourhood, close to Darnall Rail Station and the shops. Our building is a central hub in the community and used by community groups for social, educational and wellbeing purposes.

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Sue Griffiths or Jean Metcalfe

Station Road Darnall

S9 4JU
church Wardens
0114 249 0779
Church office
0114 249 0779