About Us

Digswell Village Church (DVC) is a group of Christians centred in Digswell Village in Hertfordshire.

Our Vision is to be a Christian focus at the heart of the neighbourhood where all are welcome, find peace and celebrate the joy of knowing God.

Our mission is to grow as a community by:
- encouraging one another through the challenges of life and faith, and
- expressing God’s love to the world through outreach and care.

We are a centre for local people, and we reach out to the community and embrace all. 

Our services reflect the styles of both Methodist and Anglican, and a warm welcome is extended to everyone.

11.00am. Family Worship
Lasting about an hour, this service includes something for everyone.

1st Sunday of the month - Holy Communion and Junior Church (bible & craft activities for children aged 3 upwards)

2nd, 3rd & 5th Sundays - Morning worship in either the Methodist or Anglican tradition with Junior Church

4th Sundays - All Age Worship - a service suitable for all ages, young families are especially welcome.

Refreshments are served after the service.

Tuesday Get-Together
An informal group for men and women of all ages, with a varied programme of speakers and activities, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 10.15am.  Information:  Diana on 01438 714780

The Church Hall in Warren Way is available to be booked by organisations for their own events and meetings.
Contact : Booking Secretary. Tel: 01438 714780. web site: www.digswellvillagechurch.org.uk