10am Parish Communion
- Occurring
- Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- King Charles the Martyr
- Address London Road Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1DH, United Kingdom
Our main act of worship on a Sunday is our 10am service. On the first Sunday of the month we hold an all-age service with communion. On all other Sundays we hold Parish Communion. These services attract a large congregation and everyone is included and welcome to worship with us.
The Parish Communion is in modern language (Common Worship) with a robed choir and wonderful choral and organ music, along with carefully crafted liturgy to reflect the seasons and feasts of the church year. Creche facilities are available and we have a large junior church who go out during the service. The service is followed by refreshments in the Church Hall.
Please see the relevant pages on this website under 'Services' for more details or please visit our website at www.kcmtw.org.