“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.” (J S Bach)
A one-hour Lenten talk on Sunday 6 April, at 3pm, by Gavin Barrett, on J S Bach’s music in the service of The Almighty, with audio excerpts from the great Choral Masterpieces (St. John and St. Matthew Passions, several Cantatas and the B minor Mass) and live performance by David Williams of excerpts of Bach’s monumental music for the organ.
Sometimes called “The Fifth Evangelist”, Bach saw his purpose, as musician, theologian and teacher, to illuminate the words of Scripture and to strengthen Faith. That his music is regarded by composers, since his death in 1750, as incomparable, highly influential, and essential attests to its profundity. “Bach is the father and we are the children” said by Mozart.
Free admission. Retiring collection.