
Are you thinking about getting married at St Paul's Church?

For such a special day, we offer a special place. A marriage in Church is a marriage that includes God in your relationship. By seeking his blessing for your life together you are recognising that he will be with you in the years to come supporting and sustaining you in your married life.

 If you are thinking of getting married at St Paul's Church in Rusthall, you will need to demonstrate a "connection". In October 2008, the Church of England Marriage Measure came into force. Thanks to this new law, you've now got more choice about which church to marry in.

A person has a connection with a parish if:

that person:

was baptised in the parish; orwas prepared for confirmation in the parish; orhas at any time lived in the parish (for at least 6 months); orhas at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church (for at least 6 months);

or a parent of that person has at any time during that person’s lifetime:

had at any time lived in the parish (for at least 6 months); orhas at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church (for at least 6 months);

or a parent or grandparent of that person was married in the parish.

Even if you cannot demonstrate any of the above connections, please contact the Parish Office as it may still be possible to marry in the parish.

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