Chocolate Church

Every First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints
A264 Langton Green Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9SS, United Kingdom

Chocolate OR fruity breakfast , a reflection and time to ponder about it together as a family (or group of friends for yr 6 upwards)

The Chocolate Church Café was launched last year and was a great success - so now it's back at a new time of 9am. New also is a choice of a healthier fruit breakfast as we found for some, so much chocolate was a bit much early in the morning. Fresh cafetiere coffee (or teas), hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows and chocolate pancakes are still on the menu - but now you could chose a waffle with berries and Greek yogurt. Also new is the invitation for 3-6 friends in year 6 upwards to make up a 'friends table' .

All Saints

Get in touch

Rev Lynn Trainor

Langton Road, Langton Green
Tunbridge Wells

Church Office
01892 861889

Our website

What's on

Chocolate Church

Every First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints
A264 Langton Green Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9SS, United Kingdom

Chocolate OR fruity breakfast , a reflection and time to ponder about it together as a family (or group of friends for yr 6 upwards)

The Chocolate Church Café was launched last year and was a great success - so now it's back at a new time of 9am. New also is a choice of a healthier fruit breakfast as we found for some, so much chocolate was a bit much early in the morning. Fresh cafetiere coffee (or teas), hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows and chocolate pancakes are still on the menu - but now you could chose a waffle with berries and Greek yogurt. Also new is the invitation for 3-6 friends in year 6 upwards to make up a 'friends table' .