St Mary's Church Electoral Roll 2025

Why join the Electoral Roll?

Joining the electoral roll is an important way of confirming your commitment to St Mary’s, Leigh community and to the vision of the church. It also opens the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church of England, at Deanery, Diocesan and national levels. By joining, you become entitled to participate in the government of the church and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting

In addition, those who live outside the Parish but are on the Electoral Roll enjoy all the rights and privileges that go with being resident in the village (for example, baptisms and weddings). However, if you live outside the Parish and want to come onto the Electoral Roll, you must have been worshipping at St Mary’s for a minimum period of 6 months.

Numbers are important in the present climate in which the Church of England needs to be aware of the commitment of its people. Church morale is affected by statistics and while it would be wrong to inflate the significance of the Roll it would be a missed opportunity to ignore it.

Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll (1), PDF


Electoral Roll brochure trifold, DOCX
