Following from the wonderful Christmas services which attracted massive
attendances from the young and not so young - our grateful thanks go out
to David and Gill Bennie for their incredible hard work during this time. Also
to Rev Richard Arding who has supported us so valiantly over the past 12
months with regular help for the 8am BCP and 9.30 Holy Communion
Along with the contributions from both Liz and Alec, our organists and the
wonderful Ladies Choir and Baritones, Leigh celebrated well and joyfully
during December. Thank you to all of you for making the season so
memorable for everyone.
Our village School entertained both pupils and their families with the Nativity
and end of term services. We look forward to working with them during
As we enter 2025, we would like to thank everyone from the PCC and the
large army of volunteers who help to keep St. Mary's the focal point for
many in the village.
We regularly have Totzone, Film Club, Lunch Club, Coffee Stop and a
House Group meeting in the Genner Rooms, all of which are available for
everyone in the village to attend whether Church-goers or not. We feel that
a great deal is offered to a wide variety of villagers, and all this is in addition
to the varied services in St. Mary's which also include the Family Services
and Forest Church in the Jessica's Hall twice a month.
We are so blessed to have such a magnificent Church here in Leigh and will
do whatever it takes to maintain the building - with your help of course - and
to preserve many of the Services on which you all depend.
In addition, we have Baptisms, Weddings and, sadly, Funerals and
Memorial Services. David Bennie is hoping to link with another Church to
offer Confirmation Classes this year and more information will become
available in a few weeks.
So we head into 2025 with the usual round of meetings, discussions
about the proposed merger with Weald and all that this involves. We
are working our way through the Church of England's lengthy process
and hope to be able to report more in a month or so.
One glimmer of progress is the diocese have appointed Savills to
manage renovations to the vicarage with the aim of letting it on the
open market in the next few months. Although the income from this will
go directly to the diocese we welcome the building being put to use
rather than allowed to deteriorate.
May we remind readers that the APCM is on April 14th and
we urge everyone with an interest in our church to complete an
electoral role form, as this year the list has to be rebuilt from scratch. So
even if you were on it previously you need to complete a new form
and send it to Julie Porter. For more information, please see pages 20-21.
Underpinning everything we do is the
love of God and we constantly pray
for a good outcome for our future
in Leigh and that His Word will
prevail at all times.
Richard and Lind