Firstly, a huge thank you to all those to attended our services over the busy Christmas period. It was great to see the building full and hear the carols being sung so loudly. There were many highlights from the school nativity to the ladies choir. Once again, it was wonderful to see everyone come together in our lovely old building on the hill. January 12th is the day the Church celebrates Jesus’ baptism. The readings set for this include: They prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because….they had simply been baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus. Acts 8:15 Many, if not most people reading this will have been baptised but have YOU been filled with the Holy Spirit? In next few weeks we will be starting some groups leading to confirmation for adults and children so think whether this should be your new years resolution for 2025. If you would like to join these groups please contact David Bennie. Whilst talking of renewing and refreshing in the next 3 months everyone who wants to have a say in what goes on in our Church must reapply to be included in the electoral roll even if you are on it now. Being on the electoral roll also helps if you want a baptism, marriage or funeral at St Mary’s. You will find the form under Electoral Roll heading, please print and copy it for each adult in your house, fill them out and then return them to the church office or Julie Porter. Extra copies if needed are available from the church. Our apologies that we have not been able to find a vicar to take all the planned services recently, this gets ever harder. We will do our best to inform regular members of the congregation beforehand when we know we have to cancel a service. Please don’t let this put you off – if you want a special service or vicar any time let us know and we’ll arrange it. We are starting the year with fresh impetus to resolve the future of our church and vicarage so we hope to share more positive news soon. The PCC has decided to advertise for a replacement to take over when David Bennie retires later this year. If you feel you can help us find someone or perhaps it’s you please contact one of the Churchwardens. Wishing you all the best for the New Year!! Richard and Linda
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you. He is Christ, the Lord.” (Luke 2 v 10-11) This was how the Angel announced the birth of Christ to shepherds and thus the beginning of the Christmas story and Christ’s time on earth. Revelation 21 tells us about how he will return v3 “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.” In Leigh it is now our 3nd Christmas without a Vicar but it is evident that God is living with us as we see our church growing in numbers. However, I do hear voices asking: when will we have a vicar? Why is the vicarage still empty? What will happen when David Bennie retires? Can’t we just pay for our own vicar. So here is an update. Vicar.. Back in the summer we were within 8 weeks of a formal merger with Weald when their Vicar’s husband Patrick Carr received unexpected bad news on his health. So the merger has been put on hold so as not to give Rev. Mandy Carr an extra burden at this time. The Vicarage... The Vicarage is owned by the diocese and the PCC have no say in it’s future. However it needs considerable funds spent to refurbish it to the standards needed for renting out or use by the diocese. Unfortunately this cannot happen until the legal merger has taken place. David Bennie... We know it will not be easy to replace David but the PCC is committed to finding a leader or leaders to carry forward our thriving ministry to children and young families. We have been exploring options; and anticipate this will be a combination of volunteers and a paid part time post, possibly we may be able to team up with other local churches to make a full time post. If you might be interested in this role please contact us. Church Finances... Contrary to popular belief financially the church is in a poor state. Locally we are spending about £50k more than our income - this includes the repairs what we have undertaken and will need to undertake. At this rate our reserves will be exhausted in about 5 years. So we can’t pay the £55k that it costs to have a vicar and accommodation. The Rochester diocese budget is also in the red this year to the tune of £1.3m. Please do consider giving if you can to our building fund. Details available on page 21 in this magazine. Our Remembrance Service both in the Church and at the War Memorial was well attended and we welcomed the Rev Mandy Carr who conducted these for us.. Also prayers were said with the school children on Monday 11th November at the War Memorial. We are as ever looking forward to our full programme of Christmas celebrations at St. Mary’s - details of which can be found on the next page. The Primary School will have their Nativity and end of term services and next year they would like to have more services with the children and their parents. We welcome this increasing relationship between School and Church. Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Richard and Linda