We'd love to hear from you

Keeping in touch

We will endeavour to keep sharing with you online here and also on our Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account, please come and ‘like’ our page on Facebook for the latest news.

To email the Parish Administrator, click here ([email protected]).

To email the Rector, Revd Lisa Cornell, click here or call 01892 487519.

To email the Associate Priest, Revd Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff, click here or call 01892 319907.

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Revd Lisa Cornell / Revd Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff

The Rectory

01892 487519
Associate Priest
01892 319907