Making a donation
Our church continues to meet online for fellowship and prayer. Much of our financial support is normally through the collection plate or people joining in with fundraising activities. These options are unavailable at the moment, so you may be wondering how you can support our work in the community; ministry and the care of our church building. The simplest way for some might be to put a donation in an envelope and hold onto it until we are able to meet once more. Or if you wanted to make a donation by cheque, message this site and I can pass on our treasurer's address. However, for those who prefer electronic payment, the details below to help you do this through Text Giving. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, our Gift Aid form is attached.
Thank you for thinking of us at this difficult time.
Revd Lorraine
Text Giving...
1. Enter 70085 as if you are sending a text message to that number.
2. Enter as the text message PLATTCHURCH (no space, all capitals) followed by the number of pounds being donated. For example, to give £10 the text message should be PLATTCHURCH10
3. Send the message. The money comes to our account, less a 5% commission, and your phone account is debited. The maximum allowed this way is £20.
Online Giving
To donate £5, £15, £25 or any other amount through givealittle please follow this link St Mary's Givealittle.