Church Open 10am- 4pm


It is a pleasure to be able to open for individual private prayer, please follow the advice below so that your visit can be as safe as possible. If you have any concerns, please call me on 01732 882447. God Bless, Lorraine

General Advice

1. Please keep 2m distance from people of other households.

2. Sanitize for more than 20 seconds often and do not touch your face.

3. Please stay at home if you have any of the government identified Covid -19 symptoms.

4. Pay careful attention to the recommendations relating to your level of personal risk.

5. Enter by the South Door, (near the carpark)

6. Sanitise on entry

7. Avoid marked off areas of the church.

8. Sanitise as you leave, remember to wash your hands when you get home.

9. Exit by the West Door if you are able to manage the steps, (opposite end to the altar).

10. Exit by the South Door if you need a level exit.

11. If people with disabilities need to exit by the South door, please give them space to do this.

Activities available at this time - More information inside for each of them

1. Sitting quietly (main body of church, please use a chair marked as clean and take the sign away as you leave)

2. Prayer cards (front porch)

3. Lighting a candle (Lady Chapel, directly opposite entrance)

4. Prayer booklet (Piano)

5. Making a donation (near wall safe)