BCP Mattins

Every Third, Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

On fifth Sundays of the month, we have BCP Morning Prayer (Mattins) instead of Communion at 8 O'Clock. It's a simple service without hymns, where we say (rather than sing) the canticles and Psalm together as we get to them.

Combined Communion

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

4 times a year, on fifth Sundays of the month, both our main morning congregations meet with Woodlands too for a combined service of Holy Communion. With everyone all in together, the building is usually full, and this is an uplifting united service, the one event in our calendar that none of our regulars want to miss. There is a crí¨che and Sunday Special for children of all ages. Followed by tea and coffee

Livestream Online Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

Whilst we are unable to meet in our church building, we are worshipping together online via YouTube livestream each week at 10.30am for about 40-45 minutes. Join in via our YouTube channel: http://kmwd.org/youtube

(Click the "More About this Event" button, below, to visit our channel, or paste the link above into your browser)

BCP Evensong

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

A simple service of Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer (1662) - with sung Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, and Psalm, and usually 4 hymns (sometimes an anthem from our robed choir). A dignified and simple way to end Sunday.

Traditional Language Communion

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 40 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

Either using the 1662 Prayer Book, or Common Worship in Traditional Language, this is a simple said service to start the day

Sung Communion

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 50 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

A Common Worship service of Holy Communion, with hymns and parts of the liturgy sung as well. Followed by tea and coffee. Children welcome, but all ages stay in the service throughout

Morning Service

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

A more informal service, with a mixture of hymns and songs, Bible readings, prayers and a talk. Lots of young families join us each week. On the first week of the month, this is an all-age service. On other weeks, we have a creche for pre-school children, and 3 age-groups of Sunday Special for children who are at school. Tea and coffee served beforehand.

Informal Evening Service

Every Fourth Sunday at for 50 mins
St Mary's Church Kemsing
Church Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks, TN15 6NA, United Kingdom

Once a month, instead of BCP Evensong, we have an informal service in Church to end the day. The exact type of service varies - it may be Taize, a chance to talk about and sing your favourite hymns (Songs of Praise), a simple service of Evening Praise, or we may have a guest speaker (which we then call a Speaker Service). See our website or Twitter feed for details