About Us - Who's Who ...

There are many who give their time - mainly unpaid - to the life of the church in Westerham; many work away quietly, whilst some hold an official position:

Benefice Vicar and Chair of PCC

   Revd David Fox-Branch


     Anna Morris (Vice Chair)

Deanery Synod Representatives

    Catharine Boston

    Karen Smart

    PCC Members (in addition to Vicar, Churchwardens and Deanery Synod Representatives)

    David Booker 

    Peter Cambridge

    Christina Cusick

    Judy Duffield

    Revd Wendy Harvey (co-opted)

    Kerry Johnson

    Benjamin Preston

    Rachel Preston

    Kevin Willcox

    Jacqueline Willer



Legacy Officer

   Guy Farage

Electoral Roll Officer

   Karen Smart 

Safeguarding Officer

   Judy Duffield

        Safeguarding Team

             Judy Duffield (Safer Recruiting)

              Judy Duffield (DBS Checking)

              Supported by Alyson Coughlan, who records training course attendance

Parish Administrator and PCC Secretary

   Alyson Coughlan 

Digital Communications

   Revd Dave Fox-Branch, Ben Preston, Alyson Coughlan

   Contact via the Parish Office