Sunday 19 November 2023 Sunday at for 45 mins
Please visit our website for up to date service information
A lively informal service, short and punchy, lots of action songs and "dad-dancing" - at least from the Treasurer, but also a cartoon/film portrayal of scripture and a short sermon. Kids love it, but so do mums, dads and grandparents (and the Rector). We encourage children and young people to be involved in reading, but only if they feel comfortable. Refreshments after. This is a great opportunity for families to come together, meet friends and maybe make some new ones.
A lively informal service, short and punchy, lots of action songs and "dad-dancing" - at least from the Treasurer, but also a cartoon/film portrayal of scripture and a short sermon. Kids love it, but so do mums, dads and grandparents (and the Rector). We encourage children and young people to be involved in reading, but only if they feel comfortable. Refreshments after. This is a great opportunity for families to come together, meet friends and maybe make some new ones.
The same style of service is held at our sister church, St Margaret's Halstead every other week. Same Rector, but even wider church family.
Family Service (please visit our website for definitive dates)
Sunday 19 November 2023 Sunday at 3 p.m. for 45 mins
Family Service (please visit our website for definitive dates)
Sunday 19 November 2023 Sunday at 3 p.m. for 45 mins