Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

Street parking readily available. Quiet rural setting.

Accessible Toilet

Available on demand.

Hearing (induction) Loop

We have a regular blind member of our congregation. The wonderful dog has prime viewing and his own water bowl.

Please let us know of any needs and we will do our best to cater for them.

Our Building

Volunteers open the church on a rota basis usually from 9.30 a.m. until dusk. We have a prayer book where individual requests can be conveyed to the Rector and the prayer team.

Part of the historic ambience that goes with a 13th century building.

We are proud custodians of this historic building.

Music and Worship

Usually rang by a volunteer with strong arms!

We try to put on two concerts each year through the vast contacts known to our Music Director.

A fabulous feature lovingly played at each worship service by our organist/music director.

Weekly rehearsals led by our music director enable worship through hymns on a typical Sunday morning.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our friendly group meet at the Rectory each Tuesday evening to dip into the Bible with tea/coffee and occasional cake.

Led by our Rector, subject to demand.

The glue that hold the church together. On a typical week, you might check the service times on our website (designed and administered by a volunteer) before attending a morning or afternoon Sunday service. You might admire the grounds, lovingly maintained by volunteers (we call them Earth Angels), before being greeted at the Church entrance by one or two of our Welcome Team (volunteers), stepping into a polished Church cleaned by volunteers and admire the flowers arranged by the flower teams (volunteers). Perhaps notice a change of colours - thank you Wardens (volunteers) and enjoy the hymns (thank you choir) – all volunteers, listen to the readings (thank you readers) – volunteers; intercessory prayers (they don’t write themselves) – volunteers, perhaps take Communion organised by the Wardens, all of which underpins and supports the sermon from Tim. “Please stay for tea and cake” comes the call, and refreshments are then served by volunteers. And then candles get snuffed, crockery gets washed, communion cups get dish-washed, records are kept, the Church tidied for another day.

Help for Visitors

We take seriously the need to have a welcoming and accessible church. The building is opened every day by volunteers.

Other Features

Thanks to all who have supported our local Food Bank collections. These are used to support local families, with the excess primarily donated to Sevenoaks Larder. Donations can be dropped into Halstead Rectory. Please don’t donate fresh/frozen items as these may perish before they can be used.

Excellent sound system and adjustable lighting to suit the desired mood. Services are screen-based.