Related Churches
Froxfield Green, St Peter-on-the-Green
Walk past the impressive War Memorial, through the lychgate and up the path with grazing sheep on either side, to enter a small church gem. The impressive stained glass windows cast beautiful rays, especially at the dawn service at Eastertide. Morning Prayer is held here on the fourth Sunday of the month, at 11am.
High Cross, St Peter
St Peter's Church at High Cross is one of the four active churches in the Steep and Froxfield with Privett Benefice.
Everyone is welcome to all our services, which across the benefice have a variety of styles. At St Peter's Parish Communion at 10am is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month. If there are five Sundays in the month, Benefice Communion is celebrated at 10am either here or at All Saints’, Steep.
On Thursdays during term time, Morning Prayer is celebrated at 9.30am.
Services may change so please check on our website, or sign up to receive our weekly emailed news sheet.
Steep, All Saints'
Everyone is welcome at all our services, which cover a variety of styles:
1st Sunday of the Month
8.30am Holy Communion BCP, said
10am The TenAM (less formal worship)
2nd Sunday of the Month
10am Parish Communion
3rd Sunday of the Month
8.30am Holy Communion BCP, said
4th Sunday of the Month
10am Parish Communion
If there are five Sundays in the month, Benefice Communion is celebrated at 10am either here or at St Peter’s, High Cross.
Services may change so please check on our website, or sign up to receive our weekly emailed news sheet.
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