Friends of Steep Church

Friends of Steep Church is a charity which has been set up to conserve and enhance the church for future generations. Its formal purpose is ‘to assist in the restoration, preservation, maintenance, repair, improvement and beautification of the Parish Church of All Saints’, Steep.' We will help the Parochial Church Council in looking after all aspects of the fabric and surroundings of the church. Apart from the substantial building, this could include the monuments, the fittings and fixtures, and stained glass, as well as the furniture and ornaments in the church. The setting of the church is equally important and we will also be taking an interest in the maintenance and improvement of the churchyard belonging to the Church.
The Friends will raise funds and use the money to make grants to those directly responsible for the care of the Church. The charity expects to be holding exhibitions, concerts, lectures and other fund raising activities in the church and, perhaps, further afield.

By becoming a Friend, you…….
……will be directly contributing to conserving and enhancing the church and joining all those who have its interests at heart.
You will receive -
• the annual report
• an invitation to events of the Friends
• news of concerts and other events connected with the church

To become a Friend, we would like you to pay…….
• a regular subscription. This can be any amount of your choosing, but we would suggest a minimum annual subscription of £15 (£10 for those under the age of 25).

Alternatively, you can support the work of the Friends through a donation or bequest.

For further information, contact the secretary: [email protected]