Support Us

Church finances have been severely reduced this year, yet our regular outgoings continue.

If you are in a position to support our work on a regular basis or ad hoc, there are several ways to do this:

- You can give directly to the Parish of Froxfield with Privett by clicking HERE

- You can donate in the Collection plate at physical services.

- You can give directly to the parish account, either as a once-off donation or a  regular payment. Account details can be requested from the Benefice Administrator at [email protected].

- You can join the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), which automatically adjusts your donation to keep abreast with inflation. PGS representatives are: 

   - in Steep

    Caroline Robinson ([email protected]) and Stephen Rae ([email protected]);

   - in Froxfield and Privett

    Christine Stephens ([email protected])

- If you prefer to use a cheque, please post your donation to: ​The Vicarage, 77 Church Road, Steep, Hampshire GU32 2DF.

Thank you!