Every Friday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Portchester Parish Hall
Portchester Parish Hall, Portchester Parish Hall Assheton Court, PO16 9PY, United Kingdom

For young people (10-13yrs)
Please contact the office at [email protected] for enquiries and registration.

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St. Mary's Tea Room

Every day at for 6 hours
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

Our tearoom is open for inside and outside seating alongside a takeaway service
Monday - Saturday 10am till 4pm
Sunday 1.00pm till 4pm

8am Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

This is a quieter and more reflective service lasting around 45/50 minutes. There are not usually hymns sung, apart from on special times of the year such as Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas.

The words used are more traditional, and the service is based on the Book of Common Prayer first published in 1549. Although these prayers may be considered by some as ‘traditional’ they were very innovative and daring when first introduced! They were the first prayers ever said in English at parish churches in England. Previous to this, the service would have been said in Latin.

The service is attended by around 40 people. Although children are of course welcome, it is not particularly ‘child friendly’ and there is no Sunday School or special provision for children.

Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

Sunday 9:30am Parish Eucharist
This is the main service on Sunday. ‘Eucharist’ is the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving’ and refers to the Holy Communion (another word used for it) as a service of thanksgiving for the gift of God’s eternal life through Jesus.

It is from the Church of England’s services called ‘Common Worship’ and usually lasts an hour and 15 minutes. Sometimes it is called a ‘Sung Eucharist’ which means that some of the prayers are sung rather than said. Hymns are also sung at this service: a mixture of traditional well known hymns along with contemporary hymns we are still learning. There are three readings followed by a sermon which explains what the readings are about and applies them to God’s word for today.

The children stay in with us for the first ten minutes or so, then go out for their own groups, and join us later when we take Communion.

On the 4th Sunday of the month we have an ‘All Age Service’ when the children stay in for all the service. It is a bit shorter and lighter with songs, readings and a talk which we hope will speak to children as well as adults.

After the service we have tea and coffee in the New Room, and spilling out in to the church, or outside if the weather is nice.

Later Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

This service is more informal than the Parish Eucharist, the minister’s don’t wear robes, and there is a minimum of liturgy. The songs tend to be more contemporary, although we also sing traditional hymns to modern arrangements. Rather than accompanied by the organ, we have a music group to lead the singing.

The service lasts for about an hour and we have a children’s activity during it. Tea and coffee are served at the end.

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 30 mins
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

A few of us gather in the transept to pray the ‘Daily Office’ in keeping with the monastic tradition established in this building 900 years ago. Back then, the monks’ day consisted of seven such services known as ‘offices’. Today we have one – Morning Prayer from Common Worship or a Celtic liturgy. We pray for the needs of the world, the nation, our local community, the church, and also for individual prayer requests.

Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

A thirty minute service of Holy Communion finishing just after 7.00pm, which allows you to do other things that evening. The service is more quiet and reflective, and usually follows the Common Worship Communion Service, though sometimes we have Taize or Iona style Communions. There is normally a ten minute homily and no hymns are sung. It is attended by about 14 people.

Contemplative Prayer Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

Half an hour of silent contemplation in the north transept. Not doing or speaking; but ‘being’, and in the silence, listening and being open to God’s Spirit. The prayer is preceded by a short reflection from one of the great spiritual writers.


Every Friday at for 1 hour
Portchester Parish Hall
Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court Portchester, PO16 9PY

At Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court. A service of Holy Communion from Common Worship attended by around 30 people. It lasts around 40 minutes and includes a ten minute homily and a closing hymn. There is tea and coffee served at the end. This service is particularly popular with those who find coming down to the castle on Sundays difficult.

Tea and Company Bereavement Support Group

Every First Sunday at for 2 hours
Portchester Parish Hall
Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court Portchester, PO16 9PY, United Kingdom

A group which meets monthly for fellowship and support. Members may have been bereaved recently or many years ago - all who value friendship are welcome!
Held at the Parish Hall and refreshments served.

Men's Breakfast

Every Second Saturday at for 2 hours
St. Mary's Church, Portchester
Portchester Castle, Castle Street Portchester Portsmouth, PO16 9QH, United Kingdom

On the second Saturday of each month, from 8.00am – 9.45am in the New Room, around 20 men gather together for a light breakfast, a time of fellowship, short worship and a speaker. We’ve had speakers from a variety of churches and many different subjects: mission trips to Africa, Prison chaplaincy; Naval chaplaincy; being a Christian in the workplace, drug and alcohol recovery, bible study and much more.

We give a warm welcome to all men. There is no charge, but there is a donation box to cover the costs of the food. Anything left over is donated to charity. You don’t need to book, just turn up and you will be made so welcome.