Safeguarding policy: St John the Baptist, Shedfield
Safeguarding at St John the Baptist Church, Shedfield
St John the Baptist Church, Shedfield takes its responsibility for children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously and their welfare is paramount in all areas of church life.
Clergy, lay staff and volunteers who work within the organisation and/or as part of the congregation are required to follow good policy and practice to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are safeguarded and nurtured physically, emotionally and spiritually. High professional standards are maintained in all worship and all pastoral, counselling, educational and recreational situations involving children, young people and vulnerable adults.
To facilitate this all clergy, lay staff, volunteers and members of the congregation working with or seeking to work with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults are properly recruited, screened, trained and supported.
The church’s Safeguarding Policy statement agreed on by the PCC in November 2020 is displayed on its website and can be seen at The benefice’s Safeguarding Representative is Julia Jordan, who can be contacted on [email protected] or 01489 890 007.