BAPTISM in the West Wight Benefice

A Welcome from the West Wight Benefice Churches to all who are considering Baptism

It is lovely to know that you are interested in Baptism at one of our churches in the West Wight.

You may know for sure that you want your child to be baptised (or may may want to be baptized yourself) or you may be curious and want to find out more about Baptism. To get started we do  recommend that you speak with a member of the Clergy Team.

At this stage you can either cut and paste the link below into your browser - this takes you to an online enquiry form and gathers in the first instance all the parental information needed and someone will be in touch.

Or do look at the 'contact' page for the church you are interested in and either contact a member of the clergy team or the listed Administrator. 

For now some thoughts and pointers - Baptism (sometimes called a Christening) is a sacrament (an outward sign of an inward blessing) of the Church. In being baptised, a person becomes a member of the worldwide Church of God. The Church of England is but a small part of the Worldwide Church of God in our local communities. When a child is baptised Parents and Godparents make promises. These are generally believed to be on behalf of the child, but they apply equally to the Parents and Godparents too, since the best way of teaching children is by example.

We do ask if parents and God parents are they, themselves, baptised, as this can help with supporting children in their journey of faith, but this is not a prerequisite to Baptism.

The Churches do not make any charge for the service of Baptism. A plate may be put the back of the church and donations are, of course, welcome. Some of churches also have electronic donation points.

The date and time for the service will need to be agreed with a member of the Clergy Team and with one of the West Wight Mission Community Administrators, so that the Baptism can noted in the church calendars. Once that is all agreed, a member of the Team will be in touch, to arrange to meet with you prior to the day of the Baptism.

You can find further information on the church of England website by following this link:

Christenings | The Church of England