
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

PCC Secretary and Churchyard manager
01983 568761

Getting here

This church 'on the hill' has been here since 1717.  It replaced the 'old church' down on St Helens Duver which was washed away by storms after the river had changed course and land claimed by the sea.  The bricked up tower remains and has been used as a sea mark for centuries.

Mostly rebuilt in the 1800s the building still retains some interesting old gravestones set into the floor, some fascinating memorials and hatchments and the George I coat of arms.

A recent addition, at the far end of the extensive churchyard, is a grass path Labryrinth watched over by a solitary oak tree - a wonderful aid to prayer/reflection/or just 'slowing down'. 


Eddington Road
St Helens
PO34 5EF

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