Parish Safeguarding Policy
At St John's we are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children and young people within our church community, and also to encouraging an environment where all adults and especially those who may be vulnerable are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and in safety. Our safeguarding policy applies to all church officers and is informed by and supports the House of Bishops’ and Diocesan policy and practice guidance.
If you have any questions or concerns any of the following contacts may be used. If you need to talk to someone outside the parish please contact the Diocese.
Parish Safeguarding Policy Statements
Every year the PCC will agree the Parish Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Statements, displaying each copy in the Church and forwarding one copy of each to the Diocesan Safeguarding Office for their records.
Parish Safeguarding Representatives
The PCC will appoint a minimum of one Safeguarding Representative who will be responsible on behalf of the incumbent and PCC for implementing the Diocesan policy in respect of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. The Parish Safeguarding Representative agrees to undertake the key responsibilities of the role as outlined in the Diocesan Safeguarding Guide.
Our Safeguarding Representatives are Jill Stephens and Sarah Rowe
Paid Workers and/or Volunteers
All those who undertake work in a regulated activity with children and/or vulnerable adults in the parish on a voluntary or paid basis will be required to:
• Complete a Confidential Self Declaration Form
• Complete the necessary vetting application (DBS)
• Undergo recommended Diocesan safeguarding training
The Parish of St John’s with Holy Trinity, Ryde, Isle of Wight will seek to ensure that a DBS check is only requested after a risk assessment has indicated that one is both proportionate and relevant to the position (paid or voluntary) concerned. Using the appropriate risk assessment procedures the following parish posts have been identified as requiring a DBS check:
• Clergy, Readers and Lay worship leaders
• Churchwardens
• PCC members
• Pastoral Care Visitors
All Confidential Self Declarations Forms, references and results of DBS checks will be held securely by the Incumbent. Declarations and DBS checks must be undertaken every three years, or sooner if the individual moves to a new post, (unless the application was obtained in the previous six months and the nature of the work is similar).
Any person refusing such checks will not be allowed to work with or have unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults in the parish.
All those who work with children and/or vulnerable adults on a regular basis will be made aware of and should familiarize themselves with the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, and will be required to attend Diocesan Safeguarding training every three years.
Children’s Activities, Groups and Events
The following children’s, young person’s and mixed age activities have been identified as PCC endorsed events and activities that fall under the Diocesan Safeguarding Procedures:
• Messy Church
All children and young people wishing to attend the above activities will be provided with a Registration Form, which must be completed and signed by their parents/carers before they take part.
Children who wish to take part in additional events such as church outings will not be allowed to participate in such activities unless the leaders of such event(s) receive a completed consent form from the parents or guardians of the child concerned, even if the parent or guardian accompanies the child on any such trip or activity. A new form must be completed for each separate activity.
Consideration will be given at all times for the health, safety and welfare of each child and young person, including supervision ratios, transport, first aid, premises and children with special needs.
Vulnerable Adults Activities, Groups and Events
The following have been identified as PCC endorsed groups, events and activities that fall under the Diocesan Safeguarding Procedures:
• Pastoral Care / Baptism Visiting Service
• Time Together Cafe
• Home Communion
• Wellbeing Group
Consideration will be given at all times for the health, safety and welfare of the vulnerable adult, including transport, first aid, premises and adults with special needs.
Hire of Church Premises
All those who book or use the church hall on a regular basis shall be required to sign a copy of the parish booking agreement and a declaration that they have read and understand the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, or that they agree to abide by their own organization's safeguarding procedures.
Incumbent: Rev Heath Monaghan
Churchwarden/s: Roger Grist
Safeguarding Representative/s: Jill Stephens and Sarah Rowe
Contact; safeguarding. [email protected] or leave a message on 01983 564433 and someone will get back to you as soon as possible
Date: Nov 2024