Celebrating Christ's Presence: 7th Sunday after Trinity - 23rd July 2023 - St Mary's Portsea

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Portsea
Fratton Road Portsea Portsmouth, PO1 5PH, United Kingdom

On Revd Sam's final Sunday in the parish, we will gather to express our thanks for her ministry and to pray for her as she moves on. The service will be followed by a cake and a chance to chat. If you would like to make a donation towards a farewell gift for Revd Sam, please do so in a clearly marked envelope, or if paying by BACS reference: 'Sam Gift'

After the cake and chat, for those who wish to stay, there will be a picnic lunch and annual rounders match in the churchyard!

To watch the service, you can go to our YouTube stream (https://youtu.be/9Dq_hXiGo0o), or our Facebook page (http://facebook.com/PortseaParish).

To follow along, you can find the order of service here: https://storage.googleapis.com/portseaparish.appspot.com/1/2023/06/Ordinary-Time-Sunday-2023.pdf

If you would like to sing along, or find out what's going on in the parish, you can find the hymn sheet and notices here: https://www.portseaparish.co.uk/event/celebrating-christs-presence-7th-sunday-after-trinity-23rd-july-2023-st-marys-portsea/

St Mary's, Portsea

Being with God - being with others - being with the rest of creation.

St Mary’s is a cultural, community and spiritual hub in the heart of Portsea – don’t miss out on the many events and special services that happen here –join our events email list.

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Revd Canon Bob White

The Vicarage
Fratton Road

For the booking of Weddings, Banns and Baptisms
(023) 9281 4444

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What's on

Celebrating Christ's Presence: 7th Sunday after Trinity - 23rd July 2023 - St Mary's Portsea

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Portsea
Fratton Road Portsea Portsmouth, PO1 5PH, United Kingdom

On Revd Sam's final Sunday in the parish, we will gather to express our thanks for her ministry and to pray for her as she moves on. The service will be followed by a cake and a chance to chat. If you would like to make a donation towards a farewell gift for Revd Sam, please do so in a clearly marked envelope, or if paying by BACS reference: 'Sam Gift'

After the cake and chat, for those who wish to stay, there will be a picnic lunch and annual rounders match in the churchyard!

To watch the service, you can go to our YouTube stream (https://youtu.be/9Dq_hXiGo0o), or our Facebook page (http://facebook.com/PortseaParish).

To follow along, you can find the order of service here: https://storage.googleapis.com/portseaparish.appspot.com/1/2023/06/Ordinary-Time-Sunday-2023.pdf

If you would like to sing along, or find out what's going on in the parish, you can find the hymn sheet and notices here: https://www.portseaparish.co.uk/event/celebrating-christs-presence-7th-sunday-after-trinity-23rd-july-2023-st-marys-portsea/