Reflecting on the Caribbean Experiences of Portsmouth, with Bishop Garth Minott

for 4 hours
St Mary's, Portsea
Fratton Road Portsea Portsmouth, PO1 5PH, United Kingdom

The Anglican Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica is visiting Portsmouth. As part of his visit, Bishop Garth Minott would like to meet members of the Caribbean Community to reflect and share their experiences of Portsmouth and life in the UK.

Join us at Natty's Jerk Kitchen from 12-2pm as the Bishop meets members of the Caribbean Community (please RSVP to Fr Rajiv, [email protected]), or at 2-4pm at St Mary's Church as the Bishop shares in fellowship and faith, ending with a short act of worship.

Note also that our choir will be singing Evensong at Portsmouth Cathedral at 5:45pm on this evening and would welcome your support.

St Mary's, Portsea

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Reflecting on the Caribbean Experiences of Portsmouth, with Bishop Garth Minott

for 4 hours
St Mary's, Portsea
Fratton Road Portsea Portsmouth, PO1 5PH, United Kingdom

The Anglican Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica is visiting Portsmouth. As part of his visit, Bishop Garth Minott would like to meet members of the Caribbean Community to reflect and share their experiences of Portsmouth and life in the UK.

Join us at Natty's Jerk Kitchen from 12-2pm as the Bishop meets members of the Caribbean Community (please RSVP to Fr Rajiv, [email protected]), or at 2-4pm at St Mary's Church as the Bishop shares in fellowship and faith, ending with a short act of worship.

Note also that our choir will be singing Evensong at Portsmouth Cathedral at 5:45pm on this evening and would welcome your support.