St Mary's, Portsea

Being with God - being with others - being with the rest of creation.

St Mary’s is a cultural, community and spiritual hub in the heart of Portsea – don’t miss out on the many events and special services that happen here –join our events email list.

Get in touch

Revd Canon Bob White

The Vicarage
Fratton Road

For the booking of Weddings, Banns and Baptisms
(023) 9281 4444

Our website

What's on

Celebrating Christ's Presence - Said Eucharist at St Mary's Church

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at for 30 mins
St Mary's, Portsea
Fratton Road Portsea Portsmouth, PO1 5PH, United Kingdom

A Said Mass: A Eucharist Service at St Mary's. Please note that the wearing of Face Coverings in Church is now ‘optional’. There are seats set apart in the Church for those who wish to keep space between them and others. Please continue to respect one another and be sensitive to others needs.

For those wishing to watch online, please either go to our YouTube channel (, or our Facebook page (

To follow along, you can find the order of service here:

If you would like to sing along, you can find the hymn sheet here:

View attachment

Living Hope.pdf

Looking ahead to Lent in St Mary's

Lent Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar