Welcome to our entry on A Church Near You. A much fuller picture of life in our parish can be found at www.stfaith.com and on our Facebook page (@stfaithshavant). We are a traditional parish church, in the heart of the town of Havant. We are inclusive and welcoming to all; our preached theology is generally liberal and progressive, within the broadly catholic tradition. Though mainly an adult congregation, we have strong links with local schools and with local young people through other charities we support locally. We also provide 'The Pallant Centre' - a community hub for the whole community, and St Faith's Charity Shop where we 'reduce, reuse and recycle'.
St. Faith's is fully committed to the Church of England's Safeguarding policies, as enacted by the Diocese of Portsmouth. Any safeguarding concerns about either children or vulnerable adults should be brought to the immediate attention of the Rector, Canon Tom Kennar, or our Safeguarding Officer, Mrs. Pauline West.
St Faith's Church, Havant Charity No. 1128278