Facilities and features
The toilets are situated in the Church Hall next door to the Church. The Hall is used Mon to FRi 7am-6pm by the ZigZag Nursery and access is via their main door.
The Church Hall has an area with the facilities
We have a car park for approx 35 cars. Access is on Bourges Boulevard side of the Church and not the Lincoln Rd side as it is a one way road system around the whole of the Church plant.
Those who need to be nearer the church door should contact us prior so that we can open gates for access closer to the building.
We do not have one but a local club a few yards away, The Boulevard Club, has one on their outside wall.
We have a small ramp. Not really suitable for larger motorised chairs though.
This is built into our p.a. system
We do have some large print Service booklets. Please let us know if that would be helpful to you.
Assistance dogs are welcome.
We usually have gluten-free cakes and at events ask people to let us know if they require gluten free food.
We have a small ramp to use in our porch to get up our one step and also have handrails. There is plenty of room in the church.
Our Building
Every time we are in the church the door is open for anyone to call in and every 1st Tues from 10-3pm the church is open plus when we have our OASIS Drop In held once a month usually on a Thurs. See our weekly Notice Sheet accessed from our Web page.
There are a number of stained glass windows
The heating is always put on when it is cold outside!
We are not a listed church but as we were once known as The Railwayman's Church (opened in May1869) because of all those who came who worked on the railways and in the Good's Yard a matter of yards away, there are some inscriptions and stained glass relating to the. Great Northern Railway. The Sanctuary and Screen area is very beautiful.
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
We hold these on a regular basis
A local AA group holds a meeting in the Church every Thursday from 7pm.
These are held regularly. The last one finished just after Christmas 2023.
Sometimes this is used with individuals
We hold a yearly Macmillan Coffee morning to raise funds
We point people to our local outreach team working from The Garden House
Every last (mostly) Sunday of the month we hold T@4 Church at 4pm in the Church. Ideal for those with young children but all are welcome, whatever their age. This is similar to Messy Church.
We mostly point people to the local Christian Debt Advice team.
OASIS Drop In is held monthly, usually on a Thurs, in the Church from 2pm-3.30pm and generally it is older people who come to talk and chat over tea and coffee and cake. All welcome. Especially helpful to those on their own.
We go out to do litter picks in our community regularly.
Help for Visitors
We have a booklet to cover some of the history of St Paul's.
Every week a Newsheet is produced and also a BLOG from Val giving fuller information. These are on our church website.They are also emailed out to over 130 people each Saturday who have given permission to have it sent to them.
Whenever we have services or events on. Details on our Weekly Newsheet - accessed from our website
Other Features
We try and use coffee, tea and sugar that is Fair-trade.
Church members bring food for us to give to one of the local Foodbanks to distribute. This happens on a weekly basis
We have an area near the car park, called the Copse, which is kept for wildlife with shrubs and trees and also an area on the Lincoln Rd side of the church.
Prayer is vital for St Paul's and is encouraged by having a Quiet Day each month on the 1st Tues when the Church is open from 10am-3pm for anyone to come in to sit and pray, read, be still or be listened to. We have a specific prayer group for LYCIG (Leading your Church into Growth) and people regularly pray for one another.