
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

01733 777931

Getting here

Wecome! We are a group of people who seek to come to a deeper knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. We pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire and strengthen us in witnessing to the Christian faith by worship, service and fellowship.

Our church of All Saints, Park Road, Peterborough is an Anglican (Church of England) Church situated about ten minutes walk from the centre of Peterborough. The church serves this part of central Peterborough and everyone is welcome at our services, all ages and all nationalities.

We are of a Choral Anglo Catholic tradition maintaining the centrality of the Eucharist (Mass, or Holy Communion) in our worship. You can find the times of our services on the “What’s On” page of this website.

The work with children and young people is of the highest importance and we have thriving childrens’ church and youth participation in worship through singing, serving, reading and welcoming. Children of ALL ages are welcome.

All Saints also has a very strong music tradition which is supported by a strong men and young people’s choir under the leadership of our Organist and Choir Director, Stephen Hession.


Park Road, (opposite Central Park)

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