Giving to St. Andrew's Church

It may come as a bit of a shock to learn that it costs over £21,000 per year just to keep St. Andrew's 'ticking over'. And that despite our best fund-raising efforts, along with the kind donations of many people, our income falls way short of that.  

We really need your help. 

There are several ways in which you can support St. Andrew's financially:


Please select the Support St. Andrew's financially - now and in the future  -  on the HOME PAGE

~ Cash or Cheques via plates at services. If you are eligible for UK tax, using a GIft Aid Envelope means we can claim an extra 25% on EVERY donation from you.

~ One-off donations via cheque *

~ One-off donation via BACS **

~ Regular, monthly, quarterly or annual donation via BACS. 

* Please make cheques payable to St. Andrew's Northborough PCC - and if you complete a Gift Aid envelope, it  gives us permission to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation (as long as you are a UK tax payer). 

Thank you. With your help, St. Andrew's has a future. 

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