Titchmarsh Village Fête
- Occurring
- for 4 hours, 30 mins
- Venue
- St Mary the Virgin
- Address St Mary the Virgin, Church Street Titchmarsh, NN14 3DB, United Kingdom
An excellent afternoon out for all the family. Attractions include the world-famous teddies, parachuting from the top of the church tower, dance displays, dog classes, BBQ, bar, teas, brass band, tombola, bouncy castle, plant stall, cake stall, and lots of other games and attractions. Chill out and enjoy the spectacle indoors or out... (Credit cards accepted on major stalls though cash remains king at the smaller ones.)
Titchmarsh Village Fête
14 Jun 2025, noon for 4 hours, 30 mins
Titchmarsh Village Fête
14 Jun 2025, noon for 4 hours, 30 mins