Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 20 mins
St Peter & St Paul Kettering

An online service on Zoom, using the Church of England's 'Common Worship' service of Morning Prayer. Contact our administrator ([email protected]) for details of how to log in and join us.

All-age eucharist

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Peter & St Paul Kettering
Market Place Kettering, NN16 0AQ, United Kingdom

Our monthly service for all ages, on the second Sunday of every month. We are meeting in person and you are welcome to wear a mask during the service. This service is live-streamed via our Facebook page.
During term-time our uniformed organisations join us on the second Sunday of the month. For more information or to request assistance please contact [email protected].

Sung Holy Eucharist

Every First, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Peter & St Paul Kettering
Market Place Kettering, NN16 0AQ, United Kingdom

This is our main weekly service, with activities for children and refreshments after the service. This service is live streamed on our YouTube channel, SaintsAndAngelsKettering. For more information or to request assistance please contact [email protected].

On the second Sunday of most months, this is an all-age service and we are joined by our uniformed organisations.

Said Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

Every Fourth Sunday at for 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul Kettering
Market Place Kettering, NN16 0AQ, United Kingdom

This quiet, reflective service draws on the language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.