Wildlife in St James's churchyards

gretton churchyards background July24.pdf Download
gretton churchyards biodiversity plan May 24.pdf Download
Wildlife and St James draft quest v2a.pdf Download

St James's churchyard recently won a Wildlife Trusts Bronze Award, through the Northants Churchyard Conservation Scheme

Wildlife of the month nature notes:

May 24 - Dandelions

June 24 - Swifts

October 24 - Horse chestnuts and conkers

November 24 - Poppies

December 24 - Holly 

January 25 - Lichens

February 25 - Snowdrops

Our surveys and plans

      Our wild churchyard - some background, maps and lists - this includes surveys of plants and animals in the churchyard

      Our Biodiversity Plan, 24-25 - our wildlife priorities for the coming year

      Churchyard questionnaire - please have your say of how we can improve the churchyard for all users

External useful sites:

         God's Acre website

         Church of England's advice on wildlife in the churchyard

Posters (that have been up in the church) about:

           Bats - we have several species of bats flying around the chiurchyard, along with our own colony of soprano pipstrelles in the porch.

           Wild flowers - Flower Festival poster - June 2024. Around 100 species of wild flowering plants, grasses and trees have been recorded in the churchyard

           Moths - a summary from 2023 and list of macromoths identified

          No-mow Ma2024

          Beavers in the churchyard - the Beavers helped survey churchyard wildlife using camera traps to find out what was in the churchyard after the gates had shut

         Some background to our churchyard wildlife