St Columba & the Northern Saints

We are now conducting services, in line with guidance. For details please see our website

Get in touch

Revd Ian Pullinger

St Columba's Vicarage 157 Studfall Avenue Corby Northants

NN17 1LG

Our website

What's on

Holy Communion

Every Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Columba & the Northern Saints
Studfall Avenue Corby, NN17 1LG, United Kingdom

Worship style is informal, rooted in Common Worship. Words and songs are projected onto a large screen. A loop system operates.
All ages meet together in church and after a short while the children leave for their own activities and worship as 'ENERGIZE', returning before the end of the service.

You can join us in the church on Studfall Avenue for our Sunday service each week at 10.30am, complete with activities for children. Or you can watch the service via our website

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