Now that the electricians are nearing completion of their work, we are now able to use the church again for our Sunday services as normal. 10am every Sunday.The Community cafe will also reopen on 18th August 2pm-4pm. All are welcome !
We’re very excited to have the electricians in at St Marys to update our lighting system! The long awaited, new system will be unobtrusive but much more efficient and flexible.In order to install the new lights, scaffolding will have to be put up inside the church meaning all our services will be moved into the church hall for approximately 4 weeks. - Access to the hall is via the black gates on Abbey Road and will be signposted. The Community Cafe will be temporarily closed from now until 21st July however the Food bank will continue to operate from the door on Thursdays 2pm-4pm as normal. Everyone is welcome to our services at 10am on Sunday mornings whether in the hall for the next four weeks or afterwards in our relit church!
Our services for Holy Week are as follows:Please join us for any or all of them! Palm Sunday: 10th April :10am HolyCommunion with the Blessing of PalmsMaundy Thursday: 14th April: 7pm Holy Communion with Foot WashingGood Friday:15th April: 2pm United service at St Edmund's HardingstoneEaster Sunday: 17th April: 10am Holy Communion with the Service of Light