About Us

St Peter & St Paul Easton Maudit Services

First Sunday 11am Holy Communion

Second Sunday and Fourth Sunday 11am Mattins

Third Sunday and Fifth Sunday 6pm Evensong (between November and March this moves to 11am for Mattins). Evensong resumes in April.

All are welecome to attend.

Facebook pages, search: Websites:

Wollaston church - St. Mary's Church Wollaston https://stmaryswollaston.com
Bozeat church - St Mary’s Bozeat Church https://bozeatchurchstmarys.com

St Mary’s Bozeat & Wollaston, Northamptonshire Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/

To arrange a visit to the church, please contact the Church Warden, Tim Allebone

Mobile 07873 147143

Email: [email protected]