Worship with Holy Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship which starts at 10am. We are a friendly church and you will be welcome. During term time, JaM (Jesus and Me) runs for children and parents to engage with during the middle part of the service if they'd like to.

Prayer and Praise

Monthly. Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

A youth and young adult led service for people of all ages. Prayer and Praise meet from 7pm for refreshments where worship starts from 7:30pm. P&P is an informal service where we sing modern worship songs led by a live band or on video, hear short talks from our youth or young adults and use interactive prayer stations to go deeper in your faith.
Come and be made welcome!

Midweek Worship with Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to join in our midweek worship with Holy Communion. Come and find a friendly and growing group of people who appreciate this chance to pause, pray and receive from God midweek.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 30 mins
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

Join us at 9am for a short service of Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome, please note there are no refreshments after this service.

All Together Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

Join us from 10am for all-age worship. This service doesn't include Holy Communion and tends to be shorter and more informal than our other Sunday services. Everyone is welcome!


Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
All Saints Church, Earls Barton
All Saints Church High Street Earls Barton Northampton, NN6 0JG, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to join us for Evensong. A mix of sung and said prayers, responses and readings in the quietness of Sunday evening. Led by our organist, choir and vicar, this service is held in the chancel of our church and you will be very welcome.